Thursday, March 24, 2011

had some wird/cool dreams lately

doubt i can remember all the details but ill try.

first off 2 nights ago...
I dreamt that i was in a video store hiring videos, but then i realised it was nowhere near my house and i wouldn't be able to return them, just then my mum and my ex walk in and i tell them my concerns, so they said yeah don't worry about it.  i walk outside but the car isn't there so i assume they had driven round the block while waiting for me.  i waited but they didn't come, just then i saw and old friend walking down the road with her grandma and she spots me and says 'the scrubs that way', i didn't know what she was talking about 'haven't you seen the news?!' she added.  i joined them and started walking, we get to their car and hop in, we drove quite far and then my mum calls saying she is outside the video store and where am i? i explained what had happened and asked if she could get me from the scrub, she said no so i asked the woman driving to let me out asap, but she drove ages before letting me out.  I had no idea where i was and no way to explain to mum where i was so i woke up in a panic and couldn't get back to sleep.

then last night i had a really interesting dream, tho its already melting away...
i was some sort of an spy or something, and after a job we had to go to some house and get debriefed and change clothes and cars so as not to be followed, but something was wrong, the distinct impression our superiors had double crossed us, so we ran.  lots more happened i cant remember but toward the end i recall someone foretelling that our saviour would be a bit of a hippy.  after an action packed dream full of intrigue and suspense i come face to face with a tall man with long hair wearing a loose white shirt, he rants to me about how he will fix the world (not that i can remember the words), somehow he does this (so frustrated i forget already!) and he like reroutes the control these government fat cats had over us so that its only executable from a far off planet that we wouldn't be able to access on earth for thousands of years.  then some stupid narration about how once society was more accepting he married both me and another woman.  his end part makes no sense and is very silly, think its just my brain filling in blanks and wanting certain themes to surface.

and that's another chapter in the messed up brain that is mine.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010


had a dream last night we were all evacuating the earth but we were only allowed to take one backpack each, so i was trying to decide what to take with me and was upset i wouldn't have my computer. bit weird.

Friday, September 17, 2010

really odd and random...

well this dream started out (hard to remember as lots happened) with some kind of capture the flag type game but on a bigger scale and it was silver coins we were protecting.

I think there was an element of time travel packed in there somewhere, like the looking glass in the scifi chanel's Alice or  like stargate... some gate that took ppl to different times and places.  cant remember quite how that worked but i was looking after someone that came through like an exchange student.

wish i could remember more of the irst half as it was trippy.

anyhow, then somehow i met Oprah and we were sitting in a garden talking and she gave me an engagement ring and asked me to marry her.  I was kind of torn for an answer but not fully sold on it. During our talk she then proceeded to assess me and Wether the American ppl would take to me and if i needed any surgery or anything to appear better on camera.  we also got talking about religion and such, but she had little to no respect for what i was saying (i remember thinking she seemed kinda horrible).... I actually don't recall saying yes or no to her proposal but i got swept away by her ppl.  i was in a hotel or something listening to everyone organise and stuff, there was a big party type thing that night they were organising.  I started to feel incredibly attracted to her assistant and thought it very awkward and inappropriate but he was so handsome and gentle i couldn't help feeling butterflies.

somehow i had to get a bus, but the bus was actually involved in filming a movie and i had to get off at a certain stop coz the director told me to.  when i got off cars started honking and i got a foreboding feeling i was going to be run over, so i walked off the road to a little creek.  A woman came over to me and asked if there was a bathroom anywhere, i directed her to a shoping mall around the corner but she resolved the creek would suffice. so she proceeded to pee in the water. 

all of a sudden there were tons of ppl standing around and talking, some lady was recruiting them all for an acting job or something, then i said i couldnt partake coz im meant to be at oprah's party, at which time all the girls looked very envious.

i don't remember any more.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

my soul

as with all dreams i am just lefts with a vague recollections of themes and meanings.

I was dreaming last night that i was talking to previouse incarnations of mine, like talking to my greater self that has many different facets and doesnt follow a linear timeline. I felt so warm and safe knowing that i exist throughout time and space.

hard to explain, it was more a feeling then a story played out.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

dreaded centerlink?

hmm, as always lets see if i can explain this one in any logical order.

well as anyone receiving centrelink knows, they are phasing out lodgments in person and you have to do it all online, before i went to bed i tried to log on but the website was down.

anyway in my dream i finally logged on and was really happy about it. was odd coz it was like a virtual world and all the centrelink staff were animated sharks...  so i said to my shark how relieved i was to get access, he said that lots of ppl were and there were some blossoming romances happening since some staff and customers had been chatting for hours 'what? romance with a SHARK?' i asked with a raised eyebrow.

thats about all i can remember, the rest of the time was just chatting and filling in forms. I thought it was a bit strange.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

odd dream last night

not as bizzare as most of them, but really rattled me. 

Not so long ago i was kinda involved with a guy, any way we havent seen each other for months and im doing my best to forget about him.

In my dream i was in his car and he wanted me to go hang out at his house, whitch i wanted to do, but i decided that it wasnt wise given the history and circumstances so i told him no ill just find a lift home...

simple dream but its really been under my skin.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

oops i slept through tuesday...

Just want to apologize for fragmented retelling, i dream very long and complex dreams and don't always remember them completely, or i forget to write them down.

Today i accidentally slept all day, which as always was sleep filled with odd adventures....

I was on some sort of spaceship and we were about to crash. after we crashed i was still there, like a ghost, my dogs were ghosts too but i referred to them as my children after that.

I went to the public bathrooms and there was lots of ppl and i yelled "we are all dead!" but they responded, "you are, we are immortal".

anyway, a jump in story as some is missing from my mind.

next we were on a planet full of plants and no ppl. except there was one house and in one room was a creature, and it was seen as some kind of trial to go there. in my dream i think i went there with my husband and this creature dragged him into the room and all i could hear was screams. Mum told me that the creature drains u off blood, then drains u of everything else, and its very rare to survive. some tentacles grabbed me but i got away and waited in the kitchen, mum came and sat down with the paper and waited too. I was desperately hoping my husband figure survived coz he had told me he was pregnant.
Mum and i had decided when it was over we would go out the back door so that we didn't end up being taken by the creature.

that is all i can really remember.... I might put up some sketches at a later date from this dream
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