Friday, September 17, 2010

really odd and random...

well this dream started out (hard to remember as lots happened) with some kind of capture the flag type game but on a bigger scale and it was silver coins we were protecting.

I think there was an element of time travel packed in there somewhere, like the looking glass in the scifi chanel's Alice or  like stargate... some gate that took ppl to different times and places.  cant remember quite how that worked but i was looking after someone that came through like an exchange student.

wish i could remember more of the irst half as it was trippy.

anyhow, then somehow i met Oprah and we were sitting in a garden talking and she gave me an engagement ring and asked me to marry her.  I was kind of torn for an answer but not fully sold on it. During our talk she then proceeded to assess me and Wether the American ppl would take to me and if i needed any surgery or anything to appear better on camera.  we also got talking about religion and such, but she had little to no respect for what i was saying (i remember thinking she seemed kinda horrible).... I actually don't recall saying yes or no to her proposal but i got swept away by her ppl.  i was in a hotel or something listening to everyone organise and stuff, there was a big party type thing that night they were organising.  I started to feel incredibly attracted to her assistant and thought it very awkward and inappropriate but he was so handsome and gentle i couldn't help feeling butterflies.

somehow i had to get a bus, but the bus was actually involved in filming a movie and i had to get off at a certain stop coz the director told me to.  when i got off cars started honking and i got a foreboding feeling i was going to be run over, so i walked off the road to a little creek.  A woman came over to me and asked if there was a bathroom anywhere, i directed her to a shoping mall around the corner but she resolved the creek would suffice. so she proceeded to pee in the water. 

all of a sudden there were tons of ppl standing around and talking, some lady was recruiting them all for an acting job or something, then i said i couldnt partake coz im meant to be at oprah's party, at which time all the girls looked very envious.

i don't remember any more.


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