Monday, November 28, 2005

Dying just a little bit.

So, I think its true that wen you say goodbey to someone you love you die a little bit...
But I am still confident it was the right thing to do (breaking up with Jon)...
Im in charge of my own life now, I feel so liberated!
I always had some one looking after me, now in the past 2 days I have done so much to better my life, im looking for a job, a house and I am finaly having a social life!
I miss him, but we will stay friends, we are kinda soul mates!
*sings a lil song*
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lol, random pictures are fun!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


pretty happy at the moment.
the shitty things in life are taking a back seat today.
I got given the part of Velda Vixen in the play because Eliza wasnt showing up, Im sorry she lost her part, but im ecstatic I got it. lol. Its such a better character, and im gonna be a bit of a tart in it, its so much more fun.

I may be taking over the lease of jons house when he moves out, so me and my cousin are going to live together! its such a good house, and if i can maintain steady work for the next 3 years, i will get a grant and buy it!

I am looking at getting a traineeship as a Dental nurse, not necisarily my ideal job, but it will pay well, its stable, and i will be able to wear a uniform!

There are still alot of shitty things happening at the moment. but I am not going to let stupid people hurt me at the moment. I am better than that and deserve happiness!


I gotta go back to class now, we are watching a film.
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